
Chinese immigrants in Canada surge! What's the charm?

label: 2023-11-14

As one of the traditional immigration countries, Canada has always been very popular among immigrants, especially Chinese immigrants!

It is reported that the number of Chinese immigrants in Canada has increased sharply in recent years. What is the charm that makes so many Chinese immigrate to Canada?


Rich and complete social welfare

Canada is recognized as one of the countries with a very complete welfare system in the world, and its social welfare covers an individual's life needs.

★Medical benefits

In Canada, each province provides free, high-quality health insurance plans, including but not limited to dental, vision and drug prescriptions.

Regardless of the cost of the condition, Canadian residents do not need to pay any consultation fees, hospitalization, surgery and other expenses for medical treatment, and everything is covered by medical insurance.

★Educational benefits

Canada has public and private education systems. Public schools are funded by the government. Children who immigrate to Canada can enjoy twelve years of free compulsory education.

The tuition fees of private schools are relatively low and more cost-effective than domestic and international schools. At the same time, children holding Maple Leaf Cards can enroll as locals and easily enter world-renowned universities.


★Children’s “Milk Gold”

Every Canadian child can receive a subsidy from birth to 18 years old, commonly known as "milk money". The specific amount is based on the parents' income last year.

★Retirement and old-age pensions

All Canadians can purchase the Canada Pension Plan, and eligible people are eligible to receive a pension after age 65.

The Old Age Pension is available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents aged 65 and above who meet the residency requirement of more than 10 years.

Canada's social welfare goes far beyond that, and also includes unemployment insurance, worker benefits, childcare benefits, and various temporary benefits based on the social and economic environment, such as climate action incentives, etc...

Excellent educational environment

Canada's education system attracts many immigrants with its excellence and all-round quality.

In order to let their children grow up in a better educational environment, many Chinese families choose to immigrate to Canada.


Starting from early childhood education, Canadian education focuses on cultivating children's curiosity and desire to explore, and is committed to all-round development.

At the primary and secondary levels, the school provides a variety of special courses, aiming to provide students with more opportunities to help them discover their personal interests, hobbies and strengths, while also increasing their competitiveness for future university applications.

Different from this, in Canada, admission to higher education does not depend on the scores of a single test, but is evaluated through multiple factors such as students' course performance in high school, resumes and statements in university applications.

This admission system reduces the competitive pressure on students and provides them with a broader space for development.

Currently, Canada is actively taking a series of measures to welcome new immigrants.

According to the "2024-2026 Immigration Level Plan", Canada plans to receive 1.485 million new immigrants in the next three years.

If you are interested in moving to Canada, now is a great time!

If you have any questions or need support, please contact Xingyunhai International!

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