
The Chinese test is included in the Irish College Entrance Examination! See how many points you can

label: 2021-12-13

Starting in 2020, Chinese has been included as an elective foreign language subject for the Irish College Entrance Examination!

Starting in 2022, Mandarin Chinese will be officially included as an alternative subject for the Irish College Entrance Examination.


This is definitely an easy test subject for the children who came to study in Ireland from China and the Chinese teenagers who have lived in Ireland since childhood! It's tantamount to seizing the opportunity in the Irish college entrance examination, with your own native language advantage!

On December 1, the Irish National Examinations Board (SEC) announced the sample questions for the Chinese exam for the college entrance examination.


Below, Xiaoxing has selected the written test questions of the Irish Higher Level exam simulation paper to test how many points you can take!

Part 1: Reading Comprehension (50%)

Irish Advanced Chinese Exam Mock Paper

1. Read the text messages between the two students below and answer the questions in English.



 1. Where is Zhang Ming?

 2. Li Hua hopes to eat four things for lunch, please name three of them and their prices.

 3. Find three quantifiers in the text, write them down in Chinese, and explain their meanings in English.

2. Read the following calendar and notes, and answer the questions in English.



 1. Which month is displayed on the calendar?

 2. Why is this month special? Please give two reasons.

 3. Please translate the following sentences into English:

There are thirty students in our class.

Before traveling, we need to read books.

 4. What does this student plan to do on the 4th of this month?

 5. Name the two subjects that the student has to take an exam this month.

 6. How many days of school trip will this student take?

 7. Where is this student going for the school trip? Please answer this question in Chinese.

3. Read the following poem and answer the questions.



 1. List the three things mentioned in this poem and answer in English.

 2. This poem describes four situations in a painting. Describe two of them and answer in English.

 3. What is the opposite of far? Answer in Chinese with a word in the poem.

 4. Complete the following fill in the blanks: (see Figure 1)


figure 1

4. Read the following articles about Chinese New Year and answer the questions in English.



 1. According to the text, why is Chinese New Year also called Spring Festival?

 2. List the two traditions of the Spring Festival mentioned in the article.

 3. Determine the right or wrong of the following sentences: (see Figure 2)

 4. What does the last sentence mean? Why do you say that some buildings will "wear red clothes"?

 5. Tell the similarities or differences between a Spring Festival and other festivals and answer in English.


figure 2

Part 2: Writing (50%)

Irish Advanced Chinese Exam Mock Paper

1. Choose the following two topics and write an essay of about 50 words.

A: You are ready to go to China for an exchange in a few months. The host school said that if you have any questions about the exchange, you can contact them by email. Please write them an email with questions on the following two topics: accommodation, weather, food, and the location of the school.

B: You are going to the concert with your Chinese friends. Write a short message to your friend. Include the following information: when and where you will meet your friends, and how you will arrive at the venue.

2. Choose the following two topics and write an essay of about 100 words.

A: Write a school subject you like. Include answers to the following questions.

How long have you studied this subject?

What have you learned?

Why do you like this subject?

B: You have just returned from a family vacation. Write down your experience and share it with your Chinese class. Include answers to the following questions.

When did you go?

what have you done?

how do you feel?

Do you find the Chinese exam questions for the Irish College Entrance Exam difficult? After completing the above test questions, how many points do you estimate to get?

Grading criteria: Both the Ordinary Level and the Higher Level will use an eight-point scoring system for the graduation scores of the Chinese college entrance examination. The maximum score is H1 (the highest score for choosing advanced Chinese courses) or O1 (for choosing ordinary Chinese courses). This scoring system means that students can get the score if they achieve 90%-100% in the Chinese college entrance examination. Students who have scored H1 or O1 will be counted as 100 points in Chinese for the college entrance examination when calculating the college entrance examination results.


In addition to the benefits of Ireland's inclusion of the Chinese test in the college entrance examination. The pure British education in Ireland is also seamlessly connected with the United Kingdom, and Irish college entrance examination results can be directly applied to prestigious schools in the United Kingdom.

According to the admission records of previous years, the Irish college entrance examination score reached 6 H2 (equivalent to an average score of more than 80% in each subject), which reached the admission line of Oxford University.


Arranging an Irish identity for your children in advance will not only give your children a greater chance of hitting Niu Jian and other prestigious schools, but also give them a higher chance of enrolling in top domestic institutions such as Qingbei as overseas Chinese and international students.

At the same time, children can freely choose to stay in Ireland, or the United Kingdom, or the European Union, or go to the United States, or return to China for development in the future!

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