
The latest number of Greek Golden Visa applications in September is released

label: 2023-11-01

The number of Greek golden visa applications continues to surge

Chinese applicants rank first!


The latest data

According to the latest data from the official website of the Greek Immigration Service, as of the end of September, Greece had successfully issued 37,631 "Investor Permanent Residence" (golden visas).


Among first-time applicants, Chinese applicants accounted for 61.2%, ranking first.

Among the golden visa applications currently under review, Chinese applicants account for the largest proportion, accounting for 71.1%.

In the past month, Greek officials have processed 15,522 golden visa applications, with applicants from the United Kingdom and the United States consistently ranking among the top ten.

soaring popularity

The popularity of buying and moving to Greece continues to soar.

Especially after many European countries stopped their “house purchase and emigration” projects, Greece has become a popular destination.

So, what are the advantages of buying a house and moving to Greece to attract many business people and elite talents?

model of social welfare

Greece is one of the first countries in the world to implement a social welfare system, and it is also one of the countries with the best social welfare in the world.

Its complete social security system covers many fields, including social insurance, medical care, education, unemployment benefits, etc.

In addition, Greece's medical level is first-rate, and the quality of its medical services even exceeds that of developed countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States.

High quality livable life

Greece is world-famous for its rich history and stunning natural environment.

It not only has many breathtaking monuments, but also has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. It is an ideal habitat for relaxing the mind and making the body comfortable.


In summer, you can enjoy the sea and sunshine, stroll freely on the gorgeous beaches, feel the sea breeze on your face, and feel extremely comfortable!

In winter, you can immerse yourself in the beautiful snow scenery in the mountains; or wander around ancient ruins and explore the treasures of a thousand-year civilization.

advanced education system

Greece is one of the first countries to establish an education system and has a profound historical heritage. Its education belongs to the European education system.

Greece attaches great importance to cultivating children's independent thinking ability and moral education, implements 12 years of free public education, and implements a scholarship system at the university level.

In addition, Greek students are free to choose to study in other EU countries or the United States and enjoy the same treatment as EU member states.

With excellent transcripts, Greek students can apply to universities around the world for further study.

Greek Golden Visa applications are becoming more and more popular. Whether it is for moving to Greece or investing in development, the Greek Golden Visa has high investment value and can bring more possibilities to investors.

If you are interested in the Greek Golden Visa and want to catch the last train to buy a house and move to Europe, please contact Xingyunhai International!

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